"Putting Up Birdhouses, Post Cover"   Lot no. 4767

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By John Ford Clymer (American- 1907-1989)

34" x 27"
Oil on canvas
Signed Lower Left



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The Saturday Evening Post cover, June 9, 1951


'John Clymer, while migrating through Wyoming in a motorcar, was amazed at the variety of birds that go there summers to keep house. He saw pelicans, whose winter address is Florida- though he doesn;t mean to suggest that they fitted into the birdhouses he painted. He observed sealess sea gulls, and was told to watch for spectacular blue herons, but none of these wanted to pose. When we consoled, "Well, you can see herons in your own back yard," he remonstrated, "Look, you're phoning Westport, Connecticut- didn't you know?" So, making like an ornithologist, we explained that blue herons have been noted spending summer vacations in Connecticut's tidal inlets, gaping at commuters in the trains. Clymer ought to get around more. '

The Saturday Evening Post, Page 3

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See all original artwork by John Ford Clymer


            John Clymer was born in Ellensburg, Washington. His art education was acquired at the Vancouver School of Fine Art, the Ontario College of Art in Port Hope, Canada, as well as at the Wilmington Society of Fine Arts in Delaware, and the Grand Central School of Art in New York. With this background, his loyalties had ever since been divided between the United States and Canada.


            Clymer's first illustrations were made for Canadian publications, followed by American Pulps, which lead to editorial assignments for most of the American magazines, numerous advertising campaigns, and an extensive series of the paintings of historic episodes for the United States Marine Corps during World War II.


            His paintings have been exhibited widely in both countries as well, with the North West Artists in Seattle, the Ontario Society of Artists, the Royal Canadian Academy in Toronto, Canada (where he was an Associate member), the National Academy in New York, the Salmagundi Club, the Society of Animal Artists, and the Hudson Valley Artists. Clymer was an exhibiting member of the Cowboy Artists and the National Academy of Western Art, winning numerous awards. His biography John Clymer, An Artist's Rendevous with the Frontier West was published by Northland Pree in 1976. He was elected to the society of Illustrators Hall of Fame in 1982.